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Rub the cloth on the outside bowl of the pipe and on the mouthpiece vigorously and for at least 30 seconds in order to deposit a light film of invisible silicone wax on the surface.
Always return the cloth to its packaging aft...
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Elegant lambskin tobacco pipe holder.
Soft as a cloud, it will best preserve any type of tobacco you prefer
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Soft Beautiful and Elegant Dunhill Tobacco Pouch and Pipe Holder Hand Made in Germany
Material: cowhide
Description: Combination - 1 pipe
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Material : Lamb
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Material : Lamb
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Pipe cleaner Junior Practical, pocket-sized, with two functions.
- tamper for pressing the tobacco
- pin to remove ash and tobacco from the stove
Shape - Identical to the classic Junior PA4113 and PA4...
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Pipe cleaner Junior Practical, pocket-sized, with two functions.
- tamper for pressing the tobacco
- pin to remove ash and tobacco from the stove
Shape - Identical to the classic Junior PA4113 and PA4...
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Paste to regenerate and polish the mouthpiece of your pipes. Very easy to use. Put the paste on the mouthpiece, after letting it act for a minute, rub vigorously with a little cotton. And the game is done
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Paste to regenerate and polish the Briar.
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Dunhill offre una soluzione professionale per pulire le pipe. Realizzato con materiali di alta qualità, è resistente ed efficiente.
Gli scovolini di Dunhill sono l'ideale per chi cerca un prodotto di qualità per risultati ottim...
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