Pipe Estate Mastro de Paja Giant Smooth Handmade 1 Sun 3B 1981 Used
Regular price €240,00 Sale
Fabulous Mastro de Paja series Gigante un Sole year of creation 1981
Ideal for those who love long, persistent and never boring smokes.
The inside of the stove is perfectly smooth
Condition: Used Refurbished
Material : Erica Arborea
Year : 1981
Ferrule : No
Original mouthpiece: Methacrylate with very light teeth mark in the lower part
Inscription on the pipe: MASTRO DE PAJA FATTO A HANDMADE (SUN) 3 B Gigante 1981
Inscription on the mouthpiece: (SUN)
Original leather bag with Mastro de Paja brand included
Evaluation : 5 * PS The quality is indicative and varies from 1 to 5 stars. The evaluation is given by Mr. Pierpaolo Spinozzi based on wear, the quality of the briar, the quality of the mouthpiece and the wear of the bowl.